創傷性心臟損傷 Traumatic cardiac injury


<臨床情境 1>


檢傷生命徵象:T/P/R 35/98/16BP 73/55SpO2 99E4V5M6


初級評估(primary survey):

  • Airway and C spine protection:可以說話;呼吸沒有異音;氣管無偏移;頸部無活動受限

  • Breathing and ventilation:血氧濃度正常;雙側呼吸音等大

  • Circulation and hemorrhage control:低血壓;左胸傷口大量出血且疑似心臟穿刺傷

處理:輸液1L;on large bore;緊急備血及輸血;外傷傷口加壓止血;左胸chest tube insertion;插管;急照會心臟外科醫師

  • Disability and neurologic status:意識清楚

  • Exposure and environment control:檢查病患全身;無其他部位外傷



一張含有 頭罩, 髮 的圖片



左前胸刀傷4.5公分,合併右心室破裂(撕裂傷3.5公分)、出血性休克及cardiac tamponade。


右心室破裂縫合;左內乳動脈修補;Left side pneumolysis to check bleeding


<臨床情境 2>


檢傷生命徵象:T/P/R 35.8/52/16BP 82/64SpO2 96E3V5M6


初級評估(primary survey):

  • Airway and C spine protection:可以說話;呼吸沒有異音;氣管無偏移;頸部無活動受限

  • Breathing and ventilation:血氧濃度正常;雙側呼吸音等大;呼吸淺快


  • Circulation and hemorrhage control:低血壓;心搏過緩


  • Disability and neurologic status:意識清楚

  • Exposure and environment control:檢查病患全身;無其他部位外傷



  1. moderate pericardial effusion

  2. Fluid accumulation around pancreatic body/tail, left perirenal space and left paracolic gutter, likely hemoperitoneum due to rupture of cyst

  3. Contrast medium active extravasation within left kidney, likely rupture of cyst(s).

一張含有 文字, 武器 的圖片

自動產生的描述一張含有 文字 的圖片




retrosternal soft tissue hematoma

Pericardium: smooth, no hematoma, no active bleeding or oozing

Pericardial effusion: total volume 100 ml, clear.

Distended hematoma at left retroperitonium

Left nephrectomy was done due to nearly total transection of upper and lower pole of left kidney.

病患於術後轉至GSICU,術後第三天進行2nd loop laparotomy exploration;術後第6天拔管;術後第8天轉至一般病房;術後第13天出院。

Penetrating Cardiac Injury

  1. 簡介

  1. 若外傷受傷部位為the “box”則需要懷疑有心臟損傷。Box上緣為雙側鎖骨,下緣為肋骨下緣,側邊為雙廁鎖骨中線。

  1. 多為刀傷或槍傷

  2. simple (single chamber involved) or complex, including injuries beyond the myocardium

  3. 發生率最高為右心室(37%~67%)

  4. 超過一半的病患會在現場死亡,四分之一病患會在送醫途中死亡

  1. 症狀和徵象

  1. Restlessness and refusal to lie down

  2. Beck triad: muffled heart tones, jugular venous distention, and hypotension

  3. Kussmaul sign: jugular venous distention upon inspiration

  4. Pulsus paradoxus

  5. Frequently associated with pneumothorax and hemothorax

  1. 診斷

  1. Lab: trauma panel

  2. CXR: widened mediastinum (PA view超過6公分或AP view超過8公分)或合併氣胸或血胸

  3. EKG

  1. 治療

  1. Trauma center

  2. Initial assessment: ATLS

  3. FAST

  4. ED thoracotomy: 目擊倒下或是收縮壓小於70 mmHg

  5. Operation 

  1. 預後

  1. 20% survival rate after ED thoracotomy

  2. Good prognosis: 到院時有vital sign、沒有低血壓、穿刺傷預後較槍傷好

Blunt Cardiac Injury

  1. 種類

  1. Myocardial rupture

  2. Septal and valvular injury

  3. Myocardial infarction

  4. Cardiac dysfunction

  5. Arrhythmia

  6. Concomitant injury and sternal fracture

  1. 評估

    1. ABCDE

    2. EKG

    3. FAST

    4. Cardiac biomarkers

    5. CT or MRI

  2. 處置

    1. Emergent surgery

    2. Cath (consider for MI)

    3. ACLS

Edit by Min-Ying, Chiang / Jhi-Hijn Li


  1. DynaMed. Penetration cardiac injury.

  2. UpToDate. Blunt cardiac injury.
